Designed to work in conjunction with Precision Planting technology, the Horizon PPX ensures every seed planted has the best possible start in life, increasing the chances of it developing into a profitable crop.

Row crop establishment is changing, with farmers now looking to reduce soil disturbance ahead of the planter operation. Therefore a new generation of planter is required to operate across a variety of field scenarios, such as fully cultivated, min-till, strip-till and no-till soils.

Annotated PPX Precision Planter Frame
Annotated PPX Precision Planter Row Unit

Powered by Precision Planting technology, the PPX Planter has been designed to perfectly place seed into the optimal growing environment, even in the most challenging environments.

High volumes of crop residue, hard no-till stubbles or uneven and lumpy strip till seedbeds are just some of the challenges the PPX can comfortably handle. The PPX won’t only perform in these challenging scenarios, it will also capture live data and make automated adjustments to ensure the optimal growing environment is achieved for every seed.

Why choose the Horizon PPX?

Working Width Vector

3m-7.5m Widths

Horsepower Required Vector

18hp Per Row

Row Spacings Vector

35cm+ Row Spacings

PrecisionPlanting Horizontal 1C WHITE.png

Precision Planting, LLC is the leading provider of practical and effective precision agricultural technologies, to help make farmers smarter every season.
The Horizon PPX precision planter incorporates these Precision Planting parts as optional upgrades.



Hairpinned residue can wick moisture from the seed, causing late emergence and loss in profitability.
With CleanSweep, you can adjust your row cleaners from inside the cab, guarding against this.


vSet Meter

Skips and multiples cause loss of yield and overspending on seed. Seed meter accuracy varies greatly with seed size and shape. vSet meters provide accurate performance without needing to be adjusted for seed size.



A properly closed furrow has no air pockets, a mellow path for the plant to emerge, and retains soil moisture. FurrowForce is an automated two-stage closing system with integrated sensing that addresses all of these requirements.



SmartFirmer helps you to understand the environment in which the seed is being placed. SmartFirmer can also help determine the type and extent of variability that you may have in your field.



Incorrect downforce can cause yield loss by creating late emerged plants or restricted root growth. DeltaForce gets downforce and upforve right every time with continual automatic adjustments on every row.



20/20 provides the operator with in-depth knowledge of both the field and the equipment being used. 20|20 provides a foot by foot agronomic view of your field, helping you to make better decisions.

 For more information on Precision Planting technology, visit: www.precisionplanting.com